is the second basic product of Zagros Green Fuel Development Company.
DDGS (DRIED Distillers Grain with Soluble)
The required grains to manufacture Ethanol such as Wheat, Barley, corn and sorghum are normally bear 60 to 62 percent of Amylum (a bit under or above). The Amylum is transforming to anhydrous fuel bioethanol after hydrolysis, fermentation, distillation and dehydration in the manufacturer factory of Zagros Green Fuel Development Company. The remained substance in grains such as proteinaceous materials, minerals, vitamins, cellulosic materials and etc… plus to the unused part of nutrients -which will be added to grains to be used by active bacteria in the process of fermentation-have no role in process of manufacturing Ethanol, will remain intact.
These materials in two forms of solid materials insoluble in water (Distillers Grain) and soluble in water is separated in process of distillation and after drying will be used for adding to animal feed in form of powder and pellet. DDGS will be usually used by ranches in form of pellet and by the factories of manufacturing animal feed as powder mixed with low value food. This proteinaceous product can be used for feeding poultry and breeding aquatic livings in addition to meat and dairy cattle.
Quality and analysis of DDGS depends on type and specification of grain (mixture of grains) and also equipment’s quality and the process of producing and drying. The following table shows each sample contents and specifications of animal feed supplement. However percentage of protein in DDGS (above 30 percent) is usually considered as the main factor of quality.
DDGS produces only in countries which they manufacture Ethanol and fuel Ethanol from grains. These countries after supplying their domestic consumption, export their overproduction to importer counties of proteinaceous materials for animal feed (such as corn and soya). USA is the world greatest producer and exporter of DDGS.
It is predicted that worldwide production (consumption) of DDGS will be 57 Million Ton per year till 2018 AD.
Nominal capacity of producing DDGS in manufacturer factory of Zagros Green Fuel Development Company is 170 to 200 Ton per day or in other words 56000 to 60000 Ton per year.