The First basic product of Zagros Green Fuel Development Company is Anhydrous fuel Bioethanol. This product is also known with brief titles as Bioethanol, Fuel Bioethanol and fuel Ethanol.
Ethanol (Ethyl Alcohol) is a light two carbonaceous alcohol with chemical formula C2H5OH which is produced by fermentation and then distillation of sugary, amyloid and cellulosic ingredients, with both petrochemical (direct and indirect hydration of ethylene) and fermentative (Biological)methods. Recently Thermo-Chemical new method is used to produce Ethanol from synthesis gas in semi-commercial scale.
Nowadays more than 95 percent from worldwide production of Ethanol that is over 100 milliard liter per year is produced by fermentative method (Bioethanol) and less than 5 percent from worldwide production is produced by petrochemical method (Synthetic Ethanol).
Ethanol has various industrial, edible, hygienic and fuel usages. Fuel usage (replacement of petrol and petrol’s additive octane enhancer) which had no share of worldwide production of ethanol before decade of 1970 AD, today allocates the major share of producing Ethanol which is increased more than 20 times.
Anhydrous fuel Bioethanol in manufacturing unit of Zagros Green Fuel Development is the Ethanol which is produced of our countries wastage grains or importer grains by fermentative method and after dehydration to reach 99.5 percent of purity, replacing with the various petrochemical octane enhancer materials which is detrimental for environment and human health, especially in country’s production/consumption of petrol (MTBE). Anhydrous fuel Bioethanol with 95 percent of purity is used as alternative of petrol in some countries and in special flexible-fuel vehicles (FFV).
Quality characteristics of this company’s product conform to American (ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials) and European (EN) standards and completely covers the desired specifications -in order to blend in ratio of 5 percent with consuming petrol in the country- by National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC).
This product -after manufacturing- will be provided to refineries and country’s oil Distribution Companies or will be exported to neighboring countries.
Nominal capacity of producing anhydrous fuel Bioethanol in manufacturer factory of Zagros Green Fuel Development Company is 200,000 liter per day or 66 million liter per year.